Promote Body Alkalinity That Turns Off Oncogenes i.e Cancer Genes
Body Alkalinity That Turns Off Oncogenes
If you know how important your body is to be alkaline, you will do your best to always have an alkaline body by eating the right food.!!
When you eat acid-forming foods, the body tries to balance the blood’s pH level by releasing alkaline-rich minerals into the bloodstream, such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. If you aren’t eating enough alkaline-forming foods and fiber, the body has to pull these minerals from your bones, teeth, and organs, which can cause fatigue and compromise the immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness.
This is the fact that by eating more alkaline foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, your blood’s pH level achieves a more desirable, less inflammatory state. When your blood is more acid, you are at a greater risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer and bone loss. With no doubt, the alkaline level in the body improves health outcomes.
Acidic pH Levels Can Lead To Cancer…
Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and doesn’t survive in a normal, more alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic.
How to Make Our Bodies Alkaline??
Unfortunately, the majority of the foods and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains, and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So we need to have a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Of course, there is a simple and more reliable way, taking supplements like Fiber Torch.